Views:    2021-01-25




Views:    2021-01-25




Views:    2020-12-29

     2020年12月21日,保定国家高新区科技创新超市线下平台正式运营,我公司产品“UNT-MMI 智能MCC控制保护管理装置”亮相参展,充分展现了公司技术研发实力与科技创新能力。



东风日产乘用车大连工厂分布式光伏发电项目 智能电弧光保护系统正式投运
Views:    2020-12-07



Views:    2020-10-27

     金秋送爽,丹桂飘香,正值秋收季节,乐鱼注册(China)官方网站 迎来佳绩如下:

    1、河津市华源燃气有限公司焦炉煤气制液化天然气及合成氨项目   合同内容:UNT-HVSS高压固态软起动柜 12套
    2、河钢集团宣钢公司1#、2#链篦机-回转窑烟气污染物超低排放改造项目 合同内容:UNT-HVSS高压固态软起动柜 8套
    3、山西阳光焦化集团股份有限公司有限公司选煤厂储运系统改造项目 合同内容:UNT-HVSS高压固态软起动柜 8套    UNT-MMI智能MCC控制保护管理装置  约400台  低压软起动器 36台 UNT-TSC低压动态无功补偿装置  6台
    4、山西亚鑫新能科技有限公司300万吨年焦化工程及配套甲醇项目  合同内容:UNT-HVSS高压固态软起动柜 3套


Views:    2020-10-26

        中海油迁安怡蕙达新能源有限公司LNG项目2014年7月订购乐鱼注册(China)官方网站中高压固态软起动柜 9套, 2015年7月9套全部调试完成,运行正常。近期对中海油迁安怡蕙达新能源有限公司LNG项目9套中高压固态软起动柜进行软起维保服务,圆满完成,客户反馈良好。

Warmly congratulate the company on passing the recognition of
Views:    2020-05-12

 On the morning of April 28, 2020, the online signing ceremony of "China (Baoding) electrical equipment industry science and technology economic integration development Consortium" was successfully held, and a series of science and technology service activities such as technology exchange, achievement release and work promotion were carried out at the same time. The consortium is jointly sponsored by China Electrotechnical Association and Baoding science and Technology Association, and is jointly organized by 16 innovation entities including Baoding local industry organizations, local industrial parks and local enterprises. As a member of the consortium, Wang Congli, deputy general manager of our company, participated in the signing activity.

The representatives at the meeting expressed their strong support for the establishment of the consortium, affirmed and thanked the practical practice of carrying out diversified assistance work immediately after the signing ceremony of China Electrical Technology Association, and expressed that they would take this activity as an opportunity to actively communicate and contact through learning the high-end intellectual resources and organization service platform of the industry, and strive to establish more cooperation, mutual benefit and win-win situation.

The company signed the contract of
Views:    2020-05-12

     On the morning of April 28, 2020, the online signing ceremony of "China (Baoding) electrical equipment industry science and technology economic integration development Consortium" was successfully held, and a series of science and technology service activities such as technology exchange, achievement release and work promotion were carried out at the same time. The consortium is jointly sponsored by China Electrotechnical Association and Baoding science and Technology Association, and is jointly organized by 16 innovation entities including Baoding local industry organizations, local industrial parks and local enterprises. As a member of the consortium, Wang Congli, deputy general manager of our company, participated in the signing activity.

    The representatives at the meeting expressed their strong support for the establishment of the consortium, affirmed and thanked the practical practice of carrying out diversified assistance work immediately after the signing ceremony of China Electrical Technology Association, and expressed that they would take this activity as an opportunity to actively communicate and contact through learning the high-end intellectual resources and organization service platform of the industry, and strive to establish more cooperation, mutual benefit and win-win situation.

Views:    2019-06-21

    On June 16, 2019, the Penglai-Long Island Happy Journey, organized by the company, was successfully concluded, and the employees and their families jointly participated in the event.

    Penglai is famous for its beautiful scenery and "fairyland on earth". We came to the mouth of the Eight Immortals, facing the breath of the sea breeze, the magnificent sea unfolded in front of us, let the heart suddenly open. We walked along the seaside, listened to the song of the waves, appreciated the magnificence of the sea and the sky, and truly felt the beauty and magic of Penglai fairyland!

    With a happy mood, we went to the sea Xianshan - Changdao, Changdao, the sea water is clear, seagulls fly, the scenery is infinite. We visited Jiuzhang Cliff, Crescent Crescent Bay and Wonderland Source scenic spots. Jiuzhang Cliff is precipitous and strange, and the mountains and seas are connected, which makes us marvel at the gods of nature. Yueya Bay is like a crescent moon, and the beach is covered with colorful spherical stones. Wonderland Source integrates natural scenery and beautiful myths and legends, making us relaxed and happy, and lingering. We catch crabs, collect shells, eat seafood, watch sunrise and sunset... The beautiful sea brings us too much happiness.

    The Penglai-Long Island trip made us happy, relieved the pressure and strengthened the team cohesion. While enjoying the wonderful journey, we will devote more energies to our work, concentrate, and achieve better results.



携手并进 共创未来---- “电力拖动技术及产品应用交流会”成功召开
Views:    2019-05-27

    On May 21, 2019, sponsored by Baoding Younette Electric Co., Ltd. and co-sponsored by Hebei Electrical Technology Society, the "Electric Drive Technology and Product Application Exchange Conference" was solemnly held in Baoding Younett Science Park. Several professionals from Shaanxi Nonferrous Metals Co., Ltd., Baotailong New Materials Co., Ltd., Chengfeng Electric Power Co., Ltd. participated in the conference.

    First of all, Chen Zhanqun, general manager of Baoding Younett Electric Co., Ltd., made an opening speech, warmly welcoming the attendees and expressing heartfelt thanks to the customers and friends in the industry who have cared and supported the development of Younett for many years. Director Li, a representative of Shaanxi Nonferrous Metals Co., Ltd., thanked him for attending the meeting, and briefly introduced the application of UHV solid-state soft starter for more than 10 years. During the meeting, Professor Li Lianbing, Secretary-General of Hebei Electrical Technology Society, and Professor Li Lianbing of Hebei University of Technology made a special report on the current development and application of power and electronics technology; Manager Ma of Younett Electrical Customer Service Center introduced in detail the new type of UNT-HVSS electric drive products; and the participants at the meeting had a detailed and full exchange and Discussion on the above topics and contents, and also discussed the above-mentioned issues. Visited the Provincial Engineering Laboratory of key flexible AC transmission equipment and a complete set of electronic production workshop of Younett Electric.

The successful convening of this symposium has deepened customers'further understanding and understanding of the technical research and development and quality assurance work of Younet Electric and Electric Drive Products, and laid a good foundation for our company to better serve customers in the future. Yonette Electric is willing to work hand in hand with friends from all walks of life and sincerely cooperate to create a better future!



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